Introduction to Tax

REF: 7 

There are only two certainties in life: Death & Taxes. In this chapter, we will focus on the later.

Depending on where you are located, where your customer is located or what legislation you are required to comply with tax is an inevitable element to consider on on your store. It could be very simple, applying a fixed tax rate (such as VAT) to all your products. It can also be very complex, you may have different tax rates for different products, tax rates may vary depending on where the product is being sent to. Fortunately, Magento can cater for most scenarios.

You may also need to consider how your customers would like tax represented on the frontend of your store. Do they want to prices to be inclusive or exclusive of VAT? or both? How should the tax be broken down in the shopping cart? Again, Magento gives us flexibility with this and we will cover how to manipulate this in this chapter.

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